Yth. Bapak/ Ibu di tempat
Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi mengenai DLR–DAAD Research Fellowships for Non-German Citizens in Germany, 2018.
Semoga bermanfaat.
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Berikut informasi singkat sebagai bahan pertimbangan:
Scholarship Description:
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Candidates should have a Master’s or Engineering Degree in Computer Science, Visual Computing or a related discipline. A strong mathematical background and solid programming skills, preferably in Python or C/C++, are required. Previous experience in computer vision, computer graphics, or image processing is highly desirable. The successful candidate must be highly motivated and must have demonstrated the ability to perform independent work. They must also posess excellent communication skills.
Terima kasih.
Partnership and Promotion Office Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Ph. +62-274-487711 Ext. 2111/ 2112
M. +62-8232865474 (Partnership)/ 85228135679 (Promotion)